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We align our strategic vision with the urgent housing affordability needs of our nation and actively support local government initiatives to rejuvenate blighted communities.
A blighted property is one we walk by, shake our heads and think: “Someone should do something about that.” It’s the abandoned house on the corner, the graffiti-covered walls, the neglected buildings that bring down the entire neighborhood.
To city planners, government officials, and elected representatives, blight is more than just an eyesore. It’s a warning sign of deeper issues within a community. Areas plagued by blight often experience higher crime rates, elevated lead levels, and diminished property values.
But what does blight truly mean? According to a 2015 report by Keep America Beautiful, blight is a complex and ever-evolving concept. It can manifest as graffiti, abandoned properties, litter, dilapidated structures, poverty, or simply as an unpleasant sight that detracts from the beauty of a neighborhood.
Our commitment to excellence positions each property asset as a cornerstone of value, enhancing its significance within the community.